As I sit here writing this, it's been 9 months since Orion closed, longer than we were open. I've honestly lost track of how many resumes I've sent out. I've joked about the fact I've been "carpet bombing" my resume. If we're being honest, I haven't lost track. As it stands, out of the over 30 resumes I've sent out I've netted:
- 2 stages
- 2 interview's
- 0 jobs
That #3 item is what I like to call a fivefingered junkpunch.
I don't want to jinx it, but I've got another interview coming up on Thursday morning - at a place I'd really like to work at, another restaurant that's doing it the right way. What is the right way? Well I'm not sure exactly how to describe it really (or at least that I can commit to words at the moment).
I seem to have a thing for small kitchens, something I'm just now learning and that's fine by me. I think I'd be lost in a big kitchen - the only big kitchen I've been in since culinary school was Carlyle for my externship - and its not even around any more.
Olympic Provisions now occupies that location.
I'll admit that after I returned to Oregon in September I need to time to decompress. In that time I heaped a bunch of blame onto myself, which in time I realize wasn't my fault at all. I was less than a happy camper.
Just ask my family.
The home kitchen isn't doing it, for obvious reasons - just not the same, far from it (a galaxy far, far away). In the mean time doing a lot of cooking and reading with all this off time, but it's time to get back into the swing of things - though I didn't think it would as tough as it is. And you know it's hard to not get discouraged. I've had my good and bad days.
The only thing I can do, is keep plugging away at the resumes. I've also decided to resurrect this here blog, and I'm also going to start podcasting. I've already got a Facebook page and at tumblr page set up as well - though the more I think about it - I might just use that for an archive of sorts, and then create the blog here with something like
Yes that's the name, EightySix'ed Radio. I figured why not blend my two careers to some sort of creepy audio frankenstein. I logged thirteen years in radio before trading my mic for a knife. So I figured what the hell, put my radio experience to work in creating a weekly podcast, or bi-weekly that's still one of the things I'm trying to hash out. I'm still working on the show format, like how long should it be (I'm shooting for 40-ish minutes, but I'm flexible)?
It'll be about food in many different forms.
From food's role in pop culture, industry news, book reviews, interviews (not right off the bat though, it'll come as the show progresses), advice, recipes and anything I find relevant in the area of food and cooking.
I've been brain storming this since I had resumed the hunt for a job. Trust me, there was a month or three that I stayed away from cookbooks or things relating to the world of food. I will say, I did burn through a lot of good fiction books.
Serious, read the shit out of some books. Werd*
*not sure why that came out of my brain, and for that I apologize.
Other things I've done in the last 9 or so month's.
- Gained weight: for cereal, I look like the bastard love child of the Michellin Man and the Stay Puff marshmallow man.
- Watched too much TV for my own good.
- I've made the county library my personal bitch.
Lather, rinse, repeat as needed.
I forgot how much I love the library. I've been using it not only to read the cookbooks I don't have in my collection (kinda a try before shelling out $$ with what little dough I do have). I can't express how much I love that, if you're not using your public library to your full advantage - shame on you. What are you waiting for, go get yourself a card and start checking out cookbooks and the like for free.
So that's where we stand, a new venture in launching a podcast and bring this blog back from the dead. The only reason I got away from it, is when I was in Bremerton - I just didn't have the time to devote the amount of time to this blog as I could. When you run a kitchen by yourself, you learn that sleep and free time are a precious commodity.
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