It's the day after (and last night via Twitter) the Oscars and the internet has set out on a hunt for Seth McFarlane to remove his head from his shoulders. The tag #wesawyourboobs trended in a big way last night as well on the Twitters.
It seems most want to place his severed head on a pike and place it in the middle of the town square. I'm serious, the pitch forks and the torches are out. Most are touting him as the "worst ever" Oscar host.
And to quote "Gawker" hack Kate Bennert:
At this point there's no question that Seth MacFarlane was a terrible Oscar host. Not only were his jokes unfunny, tired, self-centered and boring, but also incredibly sexist, homophobic and racist. Boob jokes. Diet jokes. "No homo" jokes. Rape jokes. Abuse jokes. Slave jokes. Jew jokes. And to add to the atrocity, the whole act was punctuated by MacFarlane's absurd preoccupation with whether or not he was a good host, which—as mentioned—he clearly was not.
There is a lot that pisses me off about this little diatribe.
She presents her opinion as FACT, that there is no question that McFarlane was bad. Which he was not. She must have been watching some other Oscar's show -- because at no time did McFarlane make a rape joke. If you read the comments it's just going to piss you off like it did me. If it doesn't, I'm sorry and maybe you should read Gawker instead of me. The Boob's joke killed, and the Gay Choir was awesome- it's the fact that some don't understand comedy is what kills me.
It was all a set up as far as the supposed outrage that the women he was talking about showed up on camera. Nothing goes unplanned in television - it just doesn't - even in a live event like that. Hell, Seth was pretty mello and some what sanitized as far as jokes went. It really could've been far worse.
My take away in all this?
Is that way to many people of the generation behind mine - are taught from an early age that they can get what ever they want - while being raised it a vaccuum - and to be as politically correct as possible, which leads to hacks like the author of that article being offended at just about everything and everyone.
Sad really.
Though the people that are making these babies are from my generation - which pisses me off even more. You didn't have it as rough as you think you did. I came out just fine thankyouverymuch.
Okay, so that's off my chest.
If you missed "We Saw Your Boobs" here it is in all it's glory.
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