Last Thursday night around 8pm or so, my son texts me about this thing at school (drama class I think, erased it on accident) and he needed a 30 second spot - just the script mind you. Of course like any Father I asked when this was due. I'm sure you can guess what comes next...
"Tomorrow." he replied.
Though I have to thank him for sending me a remind text that morning. As I had spaced it, I had my head in doing research and etc. for my book. I busted it out, and personally found it funny. But then so did my kid, and he has my sence of humor - no dounbt about it.
This is one of the few things I still miss about radio, writing commercials and then getting to produce them.
After jump, you can read the commercial I whipped up in like five minutes.
I've got a more informative post in the works, just a couple things you should know before I move on to this video from Micheal Ruhlman.
1. I'm no longer at Scratch. 2. I'm in the process of opening a restaurant in Bremerton WA. 3. Yep, no longer in Oregon 4. Don't have home internet yet, thank god for tethering.
Awareness in the kitchen is mandatory. If you don't have it, your frakked.
As you might know the Scratch menu changes each month, if a dish is popular enough it gets a stay of execution and is with us for another month. But after that; it goes into the vault - maybe you see it again - maybe you don't.
The first week of the menu is like a 'shake down cruise', we don't have the space to test dishes and figure out the plating. Chef has a general idea and we work with that, and each dish on the menu is fine tuned. This goes for both in cooking and plating.
For you fish lovers, the Black Cod gets a stay of execution; and stays with us another month.
New Blazers GM Rich Cho loved this dish (more on that tomorrow..).
I know I said I'd get back to a regular schedule, and I will starting tomorrow with Notes From The Line.
It's April, which means it's time for a new menu at Scratch. This is one of my favorite things about working there (besides the people), every month we change up the menu. No menu item lasts for more than two cycles (read: two menus, two months), so it's always exciting on new menu day.
You can check out the new offerings by clicking here.
We're also offering an April Special:
APRIL TAX BREAK SPECIAL: from 5-6 PM take $5 off any appetizer. Please inquire about wine specials during that hour.
Tonight I'm going to try my best to 'live' tweet some of the new dishes as they come off the line, so you can see just what Chef has up his sleeve. If you're not following me on twitter, please do - @PrixFixeOnline - I'll also be hash tagging them as well: #scratchlakeoswego #aprilmenu.
Or something along those lines, just keep an eye on the old twitters for more details.
This dish has been on the menu for two cycles now, and will be most likely going away at the next menu change which will happen the first Tuesday in April.
If you're not not sure what a Crudetes is, it's (of course) French:
Crudités are traditional French appetizers comprising sliced or whole raw vegetables which are dipped in a vinaigrette or another dipping sauce. Crudités often include celery sticks, carrot sticks, bell pepper strips, broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus spears.
The French word "crudité", which designates uncooked vegetables, originates in much the same way as the English word "crude," from Latin. The Latin word "crūdus" simply means raw. Later, it was refined to "crūditās", which means "undigested food" and then on to "crudité" in French.
Recently I lost all my data on my external HD, music that I had collected over the years (some I'll never be able to replace, because I don't have that kind of access, old pictures, TV shows, name it) . So when the following happened, I figured for me, it was just about par for the course.
Notes From The Line.....
Why yes; that is my iPod touch at the bottom of a full prep sink.
That's right boys and girls, dropped it into a full prep sink last night. I was juggling some pots around on the shelf where we've been parking my iPod and dock at night, as to have tunes in the kitchen. I reached for a stockpot, snagged the cord. Caught the dock as the iPod made it's way towards the water.
It floated softly to the bottom, handed off the stock pot to chef, and just stared. I'm not sure I'll ever know why I just chose to stare at it for a couple of seconds shimmering at the bottom of the sink. My mind raced before I thrust my hand into the water and retrieved what was surely a waterlogged and useless 30gig iPod touch. It had landed face down, so I couldn't see if it was till operational until I plucked it out.
Upon immediate inspection, it seemed to be functioning - though for some reason (at the time) the external speaker wasn't operational ( I mean, why would it after leaping to it's death?). I shut the damn thing down, found our bag of jasmine rice, and stuffed it in a pint container. Everything I've read about drying out electronics that weren't made for water activities.
I let it sit in that rice, for twenty minutes tops (A. I wanted to see if it was truly working & B. There needed be something else besides the hum of the induction burners and dishwasher. or C. I'm just an impatient bastard and it hasn't gotten any better in my elder years.), then I held my breath as a flicked it back on. I tried it, with just the external speaker, it wasn't working (but would by the end of the night) plugged it back into the dock and we listen to music the rest of the night.
All I could think was what little music I had left because of the HD crash that was on my iPod was going to be lost. The thing is, what's on my iPod wasn't even a scratch on the surface my music collection. It was like someone was conspiring against me.
And, it's still working this morning. I also use it as my alarm clock on my night stand, that way with the app I use I can wake up to a full playlist if I want. And it looks a lot cooler than my old clock/radio/size of a brick monstrosity that now is on the other side of my room, on my memorabilia shelf.
I am now going to leave you with this, don't blame me if it gets stuck in your head.
There are so many things happening at break neck speeds - it's enough to give you whiplash.. All kinds of exciting stuff is about to drop, but in fear of jinxing myself (I have a tendency to do that..), I'm just going to keep my mouth shut...for now.
Notes From The Line....
"Oui, Chef"
Hand washing crystal martini glasses in one word: blows.
Why? Well I'm glad you asked.
Last week chef purchased brand new martini glasses (we only had like four, and it apparent that the rank and file of Lake Oswego lurve their martini's) up until that point we only had like four in house. Heavy duty ones too, that barely fit into the glass rack for the dishwasher. Not mention at the time there wasn't much of a need as we have a lot of wine, and started with a sparse liquor bar.
These new ones, while aesthetically pleasing, they're a pain in the ass. Leave it to me to be the one that culled the herd, becuase well lets face it sometimes I can be a bit dim. Call it overconfidence to the point of reverting IQ point's and failing ones dex roll didn't help.
At first it didn't look like the new glasses would fit into the glass racks.
Chef: Doesn't look like they'll fit.. Me: Oh they'll fit alright. Just like the old ones.[carefully placing said glasses in rack]
This is where I should have said "Oui, Chef" and washed those crystal bastards by hand. But, nooooo I had to act like I knew what I was doing, slid the rack into the dishwasher and let her rip. Did I mention that these bastards are friggin light? Or that our re-vamped and tuned up dishwasher now has more water pressure than Old Faithful?
Sadly this gem of a dish is coming off the menu at the end of the month. The most some dishes stay around are two menu cycles. There are some exceptions to this rule, like our radish dish and lava cake - everything else is fair game.
It's always funny to see the dishes come back to the pit after someone has the paella. You can tell if they're a 'safe' eater or not. The baby octopus will either be absent, or still fully intact.
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